Let professionals CREATE your home Pages!!!

Are U sometimes not so sure about the layout or Language of your homepages? NO Problema!  We R Xperts Not only in content production and Web desing but also in The Consultation Bisnes of Web Page creating and Spell-Checking in Different languages.

Do not hesitate to contact US if You R sure U want to have Your Sites well-done! 

Peran Copypaste has an Head Quarteers.


Pera's Copypaste, BOX 1047, 00101 HELSINKI, FINLAND
This space is 4 SALE 4 U!!!! We R able to Design all the Sites your Company NEEDS  IN the Internet and even all Your Printed PR material Charging less than anyone else in the Business!

In the Future we shall Try To open us an E-mail, but at The Moment we don't have no time 4 that Because we R going to a business Negociation and we have to take an Aeroplane or at Least a Car  if we are able to get inside any at the Parking Area.